Sunday, September 18, 2016

Why is Self-knowledge necessary?

"Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the universe and God" ~ Pythagorus, a mystic, mathematician, scientist
How many times have you found yourself saying, 'I don't know why I'm feeling how I'm feeling'? How often do you get disappointed all of a sudden for no specific reason that you can identify? Has it ever happened that you switched from being the happiest to being the most frustrated ever, in less than a split second, but you had no clue why?
In all of the above mentioned cases, there is one thing in common - that we do not know what is happening, how and why it is happening.
Reason? We are lost in the chatter of our cluttered minds. We are so caught up in the stories, our minds are cooking up. (Though we know that something is constantly running in our minds, we are not consciously aware of them most of the times. Thoughts come and go. They also leave their trail behind - we feel pleasant or unhappy etc. But we don't know why they came, where they came from, and how they silently left, without our notice)
Then what do we do? We just need to stop for a while, and look into our own minds and consciously see what is Happening.
How would it help to see what's happening? We would become aware of what our monkey minds are upto.
Then? When once we know what is happening in our minds, it becomes easy to navigate thoughts, to our advantage. And to see things just as they are, with greater clarity, without giving them our individual definitions. And this is what it means to be mindful!
Here's it's spiritual side: The deeper we know the mind, the more we begin to know who we truly are, because we are now looking at ourselves through clearer eyes. Our vision is no longer blurred by the cooked up stories of the mind. We simply begin to see things just as they are, less and less filtered by the mind's messed up perspectives.
Here's a little exercise: Watch your mind consciously everyday, while you are cooking, brushing, driving, and until my next post! ;)
Be mindful. Be peaceful. Be the true you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Superb. Great. I am really very happy. God bless.

  3. Nagashree DEVI,
    Thank you for the post Self Knowledge Necessity. Beautifully illustrated.
    Would like to share following.
    Reading mind leads to inner conscious entry. Once this is achieved you can go to the next level of exploring inner self. Inner romance and so on....

  4. Truly amazing :) (:

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
